I thought the powerpoint with Twitter was useful in creating assignments, but I am wondering why only English and Geography disciplines were represented. What other assignments can be created across disciplines using Twitter? It is a communication tool and writing is definitely the main idea of Twitter, but how can other disciplines embrace this social media tool? With the 140 character limit, I am curious to know how other disciplines utilize this tool for creativity other than writing or marketing a service or product.
The purpose of Twitter, I gathered from the Youtube video (retrieved on October 30, 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OxIz_3o3O0) is communication, interactive education and engaging students to use this as an educational tool while using it as an everyday tool in their social lives. In an effort to keep up-to-date with information feeds, Twitter's instant feeds provide massive amounts of information rapidly. This rapid technological information tool feeds headlines faster than newspapers can print news and commercial breaks can end for the next news hour, giving new meaning to the phrase "hot off the press."
My experience with Twitter was overall positive. I have used Twitter for professional purposes by posting to a library wall in my place of employment. In an effort to complete this assignment post, I created my own personal account: Natalie Marie Lopez @BookCookMuse.
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