Title: Natalie Zagami-Lopez
1st paragraph: I started Kindergarten through 4th grade at San Gabriel Mission Grammar School. I joined the public school system in the 5th grade at Longden Elementary School. I graduated from Temple City High School and attended Pasadena City College. My baccalaureate was in Art History at Cal Poly Pomona University. I graduated with a Master's Degree in Library and Information Science from San Jose State University. I work in a library and am pursuing a graduate degree in Educational Multimedia. Some of my favorite hobbies include reading to my daughters, cooking and creating recipes and spending time with my husband watching our favorite television shows such as "Once Upon a Time" and "Supernatural." In addition, I love watching "Doctor Who" and "Sherlock" and watch those shows while my husband plays guitar!
2nd paragraph: My technology skills need some work. I have created a blog before and have self-instructed myself to work with HTML and EAD (Encoded Archival Description), but I require formal training. I dislike staring at computer screens for long periods of time and sitting, but I would like to gain the experience to professionally develop my career.
3rd paragraph: I would like to learn how to create content for web design and how to create instructional tutorials in the field. I would also like to learn how to create apps and utilize my skills for under-researched areas such as tutorials for children and for college students.
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