Robbins, J.N. (2012). Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics (4th ed.). Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media.
1. For each journal entry:Include a 200-250 word summary/analysis/reflection of the article. Then, ask two relevant questions and attempt to answer your own questions that pertain to the article.
Summary of Chapters 1-3
The terminology, acronyms and fundamentals of web design are explored at the introductory level. Differentiating between coding and some misuses of terms such as web and internet, these chapters provide a user-friendly approach to terminology, HTML coding at the basic level, layouts of web pages and the differences between web designing, scripting and programming.
Q1: In the beginning, the author mentions web designers as wearing multiple hats. One of the hats the author didn’t mention was marketing. Why?
POSSIBLE ANSWER: Although this textbook is designed for education in grades K-12, there is a set of marketing eyes that have to be behind the web designers side of things to make the content engaging for any audience.
Q2: On pg. 33, Robbins (2012) states: the heart of the matter is that as web designers, we never know exactly how the pages we create will be viewed (Robbins, 2012, p. 33).” How can web designers assess their websites for effectiveness?
POSSIBLE ANSWER: I am curious to further explore this as a thesis or project and gather information on how this can actually happen. I see it as an opportunity to organize my website with helpful links so even the savviest of searchers will not be lost when they try to find information. I want my website to be for an audience of everyone: all-inclusive, easy to find information, easy to navigate if someone is exploring for curiosity, and intriguing enough so they will return.
I also think that marketing is a huge role when it comes to web design. It is important to know your audience and how to appeal to the viewers you are trying to reach. I think that with how popular the web is and with how easily people access it through hand held devices that marketing has become an even bigger part of web development.